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Our projects for students in grades 6-12 are rooted in the process of learning historical truths and discovering ways to best express knowledge, respect, and compassion developed via the creative process. 

We Remember - Quilt/tile project

This project is founded on the premise of deepening the historical ties between the Jewish and African American struggles for civil and human rights throughout history.  Students read the novel Night (or a similarly acclaimed novel appropriate for student ages), an excerpt from Fredrick Douglas, and/or a piece written by MLK jr. and an understanding of Faith Ringold's work and the history of African American story quilts. followed by visits to a local Holocaust/Jewish history museum. Students then engage in collectively creating Tolerance quilt telling the story of the Holocaust, combating Antisemitism while using the African American story quilt techniques. 


Holocaust Memorial Butterfly Gardens

Bring science, gardening, history, and language arts together in this living memorial to the 1.5 million Jewish children killed in the Holocaust and the Rescuers and Righteous Gentiles that saved so many lives. Students design, create, implement, maintain and give guided tours of their Holocaust memorial butterfly gardens. All gardens have unifying components but also have qualities unique to each design. Perfect for middle schools; combines nicely with our other projects. 


Student Created Murals

Bring the concepts of kindness, tolerance, respect, and Holocaust awareness to your middle school or high school with these murals designed and created by students. 

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